January 28, 2021

Is there Any Hope? – Psalm 3

Psalm 3

In 1927 a submarine of the Navy was accidentally rammed by a Coast Guard destroyer, and quickly sunk. Heroic efforts were made to rescue six known survivors trapped in the forward torpedo room, who had exchanged a series of signals with the rescue force, by tapping on the hull. As the trapped men used the last of available oxygen in the sub, they sent a Morse-coded message….”Is there any hope?” …

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January 28th – Philippians 4:13

Philippians 4:13

Although setting goals and striving to be better are important, even more important is learning to be content. The apostle Paul faced hardship and persecution, good times and bad. Yet through it all the one thing that remained the same was Paul’s contentment. Whether in times or plenty or famine, Paul rested in the fact that the strength he received from Lord would see him through. And just like Paul, no matter the circumstance, we too have that same Christ given strength inside of us to find contentment, whatever comes our way.

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