Zechariah 7:10

Zechariah 7:10

When Jesus tells us to turn the other cheek, (Matt. 5:39) He knows what He’s asking is hard. Because when we’ve been hurt, betrayed, and disillusioned, our first response is to retaliate. But if Jesus had that attitude, humanity would never have been saved. The Lord had command of over twelve legions of angels at His disposal. At anytime Christ could have walked away from the Cross, and taken revenge against those who wronged Him. Yet instead He responded with unmerited love and kindness, sacrificing Himself for all. In our own strength showing kindness to those who deserve it the least is impossible. But in God’s strength, we can do all things; including loving our enemies. Because we too were once enemies of God. But in His great love, He didn’t give us what we deserved. Instead He gave us kindness, mercy, forgiveness, and everlasting life.

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