March 22nd – Isaiah 26:3

Isaiah 26:3

When we want an answer to a question the first we think is to “Google” it. Because after all, the internet is a vast source of information. But God doesn’t work that way. He purposely has us on a need to know basis. Why? I like how Jon Bloom says, “God is a wise Father who knows when knowledge is too heavy for us. He is not being deceptive when he does not give us the full explanation. He is carrying our burdens.” One of the blessings God promises when we trust in Him is perfect peace. And we can only experience such a tranquility when we have deep trust in His love, guidance, and authority on all things. Especially when we don’t have all the answers. God sees everything from beginning to end. And there’s nothing out of His control. So even if we are left in the dark, we can find comfort knowing God never is. His light is always shining, and He’s always working things out for our good. (Rom. 8:28)


March 22nd – Isaiah 26:3 Read More »