
March 19th – John 3:16

John 3:16

The reverend Billy Graham once said, “God proved His love on the Cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, I love you.” There is no greater love than God’s. A love which surpasses all understanding and knows no bounds. In sending His Son, Jesus Christ, God demonstrated the great depth of His love for humanity. For Jesus’ sacrificial death and resurrection, offers forgiveness, redemption, and eternal life to all who believe in Him. It’s a love that extends to every corner of the earth, reaching out to embrace people of every nation, race, and background. And one that humbles us by the realization that He willingly gave His only Son for our salvation. This profound demonstration of love compels us to respond with gratitude, devotion, and obedience. And His love empowers us to love others with the same sacrificial love that He has shown us. May our lives reflect the transformative power of God’s love, drawing others into a relationship with Him and bringing glory to His name.

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March 12th – John 14:26

John 14:26

Pentecost is a significant Christian festival commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles and other followers of Jesus. It marks the birth of the Christian Church and is celebrated with joy and gratitude for our great Advocate, whom the Father sent in His name. The significance of Pentecost lies in the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of every believer. The moment we receive Jesus as our Savior, God’s Spirit takes up residence inside us. And immediately He begins His work of guiding, empowering, and shaping us into the beautiful likeness of Jesus. Through Him we have  all we need to fulfill the call of Christ in our lives. As we reflect on this promise, let us seek a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit, asking God to equip us to live lives that honor Him. May the presence of the Holy Spirit in us be evident through our words, actions, and deeds, as we strive to be faithful witnesses of Christ’s love and grace to the world around us.

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March 9th – John 20:25

John 20:25

Thomas famously doubted Jesus’ resurrection until he saw the scars in Christ’s hands and side. But instead of Jesus being angry, He met Thomas in his doubt with compassion and grace. And invited Thomas to see and touch His wounds so Thomas would believe. Then Jesus went further, addressing Thomas’ doubt with a gentle rebuke and an invitation to believe. “Do not disbelieve but believe,” He urged, extending an opportunity for Thomas to deepen his faith. This encounter serves as a powerful reminder of Jesus’ patience and understanding. Especially during times when we, like Thomas, wrestle with doubts. When we question God’s promises and the reality of His presence in our lives. Jesus, like He did with Thomas, meets us in our doubts, offering reassurance and inviting us to trust in Him. As we reflect on Thomas’ journey from doubt to faith, may we too find strength in Jesus’ scars and embrace His invitation to believe, trusting in His promises and the truth of His resurrection.

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February 23rd – John 3:16

John 3:16

If we ever find ourselves doubting just how much God loves us, all we need do is look to the Cross. It is there, amidst the agony and suffering, we witness the ultimate act of divine love. As Jesus, who came as God in the flesh, willingly laid down His life to reconcile humanity to God. The cross stands as a timeless symbol of God’s unfathomable love. And a profound testament to His relentless pursuit of humanity’s redemption. As we behold the outstretched arms of Christ, bearing the weight of our sins, we are reminded that God’s love knows no bounds. In the shadow of the cross, doubts are dispelled, and faith is reignited, as we are enveloped in the immeasurable love that flowed freely from the heart of God. I love this quote by Matthew Henry, “Come, and see the victories of the cross. Christ’s wounds are thy healings, His agonies thy repose, His conflicts thy conquests, His groans thy songs, His pains thine ease, His shame thy glory, His death thy life, His sufferings thy salvation.” Thank you Jesus!

February 23rd – John 3:16 Read More »

February 1st – 1 John 4:9

1 John 4:9

People often ask how we can be sure that God loves us. For the answer, we need look no further than Jesus. God’s one and only Son, Christ was sent into the world not to condemn, but to save us. From the depth of His great love, God gave His Son to die so that we can live. Jesus was beaten, tortured, spit upon, rejected, and hated. Yet knowing all His beloved Son would endure, God sent Him anyway. And as a mother of an only child, I can’t begin to imagine the pain of sacrificing my son. That’s why my heart overflows with gratitude over the selfless, unconditional, and sacrificial love God so generously shows us. An incomparable love. One that is beyond my comprehension and reaches into the depths of my soul. And one I could never earn. For God doesn’t love me because I’m particularly lovable. He loves me because He is love. And He loves you too. He loves you with a passion so great, He held nothing back to call you His. Not even His only Son.

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January 30th – John 3:30

John 3:30

John the Baptist was a rockstar back in the day. People came from miles around to hear his teachings and be baptized. Yet when the crowds began to dwindle and follow Jesus instead, John wasn’t resentful. Instead, he was filled with humble joy. For John wasn’t about his ego, but about the job appointed to him by God. To prepare the way for the Lord. I want to be a John. I want to surrender my ego and desires to align with God’s will. But to change means letting go of my own agenda, and embracing the transformative power of God’s love and grace. It calls for shifting from self-centeredness to selflessness, from pride to humility. And allowing God to lead me into a new way of thinking, feeling, and acting. It’s about trusting in His guidance and surrendering control, knowing that He alone holds the key to my true fulfillment and purpose in life. I want to become less, so God can become greater in my life. To fully embrace the job He has given me, and complete it joyfully, obediently, and for His glory alone!

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December 7th – John 8:12

John 8:12

I’m one of these people who puts their Christmas tree up early, and always plugged in. There’s something comforting about the soft glow of the lights. And no matter how deep the night, the star shining brightly at the top, chases away the darkness. It reminds me of the star which guided the shepherds to their Savior. How it lit every step of the way to their Messiah, Jesus Christ; the great Light of the world. Once we walked in darkness, stumbling along the way. But in the midst of the world’s shadows, Jesus came, born in a manger, as a radiant beacon. His glorious birth overcame the darkness with the brilliance of His divine love. And when we receive the Light of the world as our Lord and Savior, we receive the brightness of a new dawn. One that brings with it hope, guidance, love, and the promise of eternal life. The twinkling lights on a Christmas trees echo this eternal truth. In Jesus alone, we find a light that transcends all darkness, a source of enduring joy and an illumination for our hearts all year round.


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December 3rd – John 14:27

John 14:27

I love walking in the snowfall. Seeing the beauty of the trees glistening from the sparkle of the snowflakes. The quiet hush that comes as the flurries blanket the sounds of the world. And the great peace that comes in the quiet moments. Where the world is veiled in a soft stillness. A peace that settles upon my heart and invites me to seek out the Lord. My Savior, who offers a peace that transcends all understanding. The Advent season is more than just a time to exchange gifts and gather with family. It’s a celebration of the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ. Whose birth ushered in a transformative tranquility for our restless hearts. As we gather around the manger in awe and gratitude, we are reminded that the ultimate gift God’s peace. It’s a refuge where our hearts can find rest. An anchor in the storms of life. A peace given to us by the One who came to reconcile, comfort, and bring everlasting serenity to a world in need.

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October 30th – John 7:38

John 7:38

All smaller bodies of water eventually run into a larger body of water. And along the way they provide life giving hydration to nourish the land. We are like streams that flow from God’s river, receiving His boundless love, wisdom, and blessings. We too can hydrate the land by flooding it with the life giving message of the gospel. And by sharing the abundant grace we receive from God. Our actions, kindness, and love are like the currents that carry God’s goodness to others. Watering the hearts and souls of those in need. By being conduits of God’s love, we not only receive His blessings but also perpetuate His abundant flow of grace in the world. Creating a cycle of spiritual nourishment and growth for all who encounter our streams of kindness. By striving to be vessels of His grace, generously sharing all we’ve received, we both enrich our own soul and bring blessings to the world. And in doing so, we find that our lives are filled with purpose and an ever-renewing sense of God’s abundant presence.

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October 25th – John 1:16

John 1:16

We all sin against God daily. And not just once, but multiple times each day. Some sins we are fully aware of, some we commit without knowing. Thankfully, for those who have received Jesus as their Lord and Savior, we have access to an endless, overflowing source of God’s unmerited favor and love. Through Christ’s death and Resurrection, we are now reconciled back to our Father. That means no matter how many times we screw up, how many times we need forgiveness, when we come before Him with a truly repentant heart God is faithful. Faithful to not only to forgive but forget our transgressions. Never again to remember them nor hold them against us. (Ps. 103:12) For His love, mercy, and goodness are boundless. And His grace is continually poured over us. Always available to help us overcome challenges and give us strength in our weaknesses. Allowing us to live with confidence, gratitude, and an unwavering trust in His abundant love and blessings.

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