August 21st – Luke 22:42

Luke 22:42

When troubles come our first response is to cry out to God for freedom and relief. Even Jesus who came to perfectly fulfill God’s plan of salvation, on His knees prayed, “Father if You are willing, remove this cup from Me.” But God wasn’t willing. And sometimes He’s unwilling to remove our cup as well. A hard truth, especially when we are knee deep in pain. But our God is loving, trustworthy, and faithful. And part of that faithfulness is allowing trials to come our way. Because in His infinite wisdom, God knows what we need to deepen both our faith and obedience to Him. Yet unfortunately, that mostly happens during times of testing. Jesus had the unfathomable burden of carrying our sins and paying for them on the Cross. Yet because He completely surrendered His own will to the Father’s, He was able to see God’s plan finished in victory. And if we submit to God, no matter the circumstance or how deep the pain, we too can claim victory and triumphantly declare, “Not My will, but Yours be done.”

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