October 5th – Ephesians 2:10

Ephesians 2:10

God’s Promise – “You are My workmanship, created in Christ to do My good works.”

Do you ever compare yourself to others? Find yourself wishing you had another’s hair, figure, personality, or looks? Did you know doing so is a sin against God? Our Heavenly Father doesn’t use an assembly line where He rubber stamps His creations. Instead, each of us are a one of a kind piece of art, fearfully and wonderfully handcrafted by God Himself. (Ps. 139:14) From the number of hairs on our heads, to the things we are made to accomplish, the Lord painstakingly oversees every detail of who He creates us to be. And to not appreciate His craftsmanship by wishing we were someone else, insults our divine Creator. God also has a plan for our lives that is uniquely ours. A plan of good works for both His kingdom and glory. But we can only fulfill those works by abiding in Him. For it is through absolute surrender that we are able to accomplish our purpose and lead lives for God.

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