June 3rd – Isaiah 43:25

Isaiah 43:25

When someone wrongs us and then genuinely apologizes, the Bible tells us to forgive them immediately. Hard enough. But then God goes one step further and calls us to not only forgive, but to forget. Offering the same complete forgiveness to others that He offers us each day. Because few things are more powerful and transformative than forgiveness. Especially God’s. When we genuinely repent and seek His forgiveness, the Lord offers it freely, and treats us as if our sins never happened. He doesn’t hold our past sins against us or use them as a basis for punishment. And He doesn’t want us to do that to others. God’s forgiveness is an act of divine love and grace, and it brings about reconciliation between us and Him. How thankful are we that out of His unending mercy, God chooses not to bring them up again to condemn us. Instead He grants us a fresh start and invites us into a restored relationship with Him.

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