Counting Others Blessings Instead Of Your Own – Galatians 5: 13-26

Galatians 5:13-26

In the world we live today, wealth is celebrated above all else. Our televisions, magazines, and internet are all inundated with images and stories of the rich and famous. It’s no wonder that when we see their seemingly perfect lives posted all over social media, we feel the twinge of jealousy, wanting what they have. 

Whether it’s the latest reality star, a favorite sports figure, or even the family down the street, our human nature makes us prone to envy. A powerful tool of the Enemy, envy believes the lie that God is holding out on us. It whispers in our ear that if we only had the same opportunities as others, our lives would be easier and we’d be happier.

This is the lie Satan told Eve in the garden of Eden. He told her God was withholding His best. So instead of delighting in all that the Lord had given her, envy made Eve focus instead on what He didn’t, causing her to sin greatly. And just like Eve, when we focus on things we don’t have, we sin against God by believing what He has given us is not enough.

But no amount of prosperity can compare with the riches that come from accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Material things may fill our lives but can never fill our hearts, nor provide the comfort of resting in the eternal promises of Jesus. And the Bible warns that when we put material things before God, that wealth will be our only reward.  “But woe to you who are rich, for you are receiving your comfort in full.” (Luke 6:24)

To ward off the sin of envy, we must keep our eyes on the Lord and our feet on the path of righteousness. We must put our unshakeable hope in Jesus, and His promises of a glorious future  of an eternity spent with Him. For as Jesus says in John 14:2-3, “In my Father’s house there are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.  If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.”

I for one, can think of nothing more exciting then living in the mansion Jesus prepared just for me, and worshipping Him forever. For no amount of prosperity can compare with the riches that come from accepting Christ as our Lord and Savior. Material things may fill our lives but can never fill our hearts, nor provide the comfort of resting in His promises.

So the next time I feel that all too familiar twinge of envy, I’m going to stop in that moment and say thank you to my Father in Heaven. Thank you for the blessings I receive each day, when I am worthy of nothing. And most all, thank you for sending Your Son who gave everything He had to call me His.

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