December 4th – Psalm 23:1

Psalm 23:1 

Even those that have never read a Bible can recite the beautiful song of comfort written by David in Psalm 23. And its words remind me of a quote that says, “You’ll never have enough until you’re grateful for what you have.” In a world that tells us to always want more, gratitude is in short supply. But as followers of Jesus, thankfulness should be a way of life. Because although we might not have everything we want, as precious sheep in the flock of Jesus, we have everything we need. The Lord is our Good Shepherd who knows exactly what we need, exactly when we need it. And when we trust in Him, He promises to perfectly care for each of His children. The wolves around us may howl and try to lead us astray. But we are under the constant, watchful, eye of the Lord. And when we trust in Him to lead, care for, and provide, we can lie down in peace in His green pastures.

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